Machine tools
Manufacturing facilities
Grinding system with a new cyclone filter mounted on the uniquely designed tank.
Optimum for grinding sludge processing of non -magnetic materials.
This space-saving model requires 60% less installation space than conventional models.
・Suitable for sandy magnetic and non-magnetic sludge.
・Compared to the conventional products*1, space was saved by reducing the amount of liquid in the tank.
・The entire amount of liquid is filtered using the cyclone filter.
・The primary tank generates a vortex as a result of the inflow of dirty liquid. With its centripetal force*2, sludge and abrasive grains are collected in the center of the tank.
・By improving the primary tank structure, the rotating velocity of the vortex flow has tripled compared to before the improvement.Improved centripetal force*2 reduces sludge and abrasive deposits in the tank.
・This product does not use any consumables such as cartridge filters or paper filters, so no industrial waste is generated.
*1 Drastic cleaning reduction for grinding coolant system “ALG”.
*2 Refers to the force that acts toward the center of the circle.Vortex.
Water soluble
Magnetic material / Non-magnetic material
Processing details
Work material
FC/FCD Steel / Aluminum / Stainless / Copper / Titanium / Mixed chips (aluminum + FC or sintered metal)
Chip shape
Grinding chip size
Ultrafine particles (5 μm to 10 μm) / Fine particles (10 μm to 100 μm) / Coarse particles (0.1 mm to 0.5 mm)
Machine tool
Grinding machine
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Company name | BUNRI Inc. | EMIDAS Member Number | 100081 |
Country | Japan | Street address |
Shinagawa-ku Tokyo Japan |
Telephone number | +81-3-3778-2061 | Fax number | +81-3-3778-2063 |
Employees | 60,000,000 JPY | Annual sales | |
Employees | 160 | Person in charge | Kouhara |
Type of manufacturing | Machine tools / Industrial machinery |